I say vote "NO" come September 9th. I, for one, am sick and tired of the Board of Education doing exactly what they want with no accountability to the taxpaying citizens of New London. Do you know that they just gave Clouet a new 3 year contract? Did you know they gave him a 3 year contract last year? And with that new contract came a raise. I don't want to give one more red cent to the Board of Ed until they start acting like they serve the citizens and not Clouet or themselves, and still not educating the students of New London. We are still so low at the bottom any improvement would be a step up and yet, we are not going up, we are staying the same or worse yet, getting even worse. And also I think the city should start taking citizen complaints more seriously. I mean, how many homeless people are they gonna put out on the street now that they made the shelter "dry"? That is what we need, drunk or high homeless bums sleeping all over the city.... very attractive! I wonder how the passengers of the cruise ships will like stepping over drunks to visit the city. I have had enough. I pay a lot of taxes. I have paid those taxes for decades here in New London without complaining and hoping things get better... it still hasn't. I still love New London and I will continue to live here... but as a lifelong resident I am sad at the state of the city and the people leading it. That is why I am voting "NO" and I urge you to vote "NO" too!!!
More on this issue to come.