Did a Stonington cop drop off a homeless man in New London? Could it be so? And if so, what the hell are we doing about it? First, that cop should be suspended without pay immediately! And arrested. And the man dropped off should be returned to Stonington and they should have to deal with him in a respectable manner. At their own cost. And speaking of cost, Stonington should have to pay the hospital bill and the New London Police Department back as well. How dare these towns think we are dumping grounds here in New London. Yes we have a homeless problem, because of incidents like this. I would bet that there are more incidents that go unwitnessed, but along the same lines. How many times to we see other town police vehicles passing through our city. What are they doing here? Makes you really wonder now, doesn't it?! And then all the excuses from the commentors on The Day, especially "True BLUE". Please, we should be proud of Officer Lawton who saw something that just didn't look right and checked it out, and although it was another officer did something about it. We don't need other towns garbage here in New London, we have enough of our own, but to blame one of our police officers for doing his job and making sure that other police departments don't come here and dump their unwanted citizens, whether drunk, homeless, bums, etc., is just plain wrong. Let's remember, that we still don't know how to deal with all the homeless we have here in New London regardless of where they came from, let's not add to the problem. Be vigilant, be weary, and not least be wise!