“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Maryanne Williamson
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Printed in house?

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There is no question this flyer is illegal. Not only were there multiple witnesses that it was printed on school equipment and at school expense, but the flyer does not contain the required listing of which registered political committee paid for it, nor the identity of the treasurer of the committee. In this case, the taxpayers of New London paid for it. So the proper designation of the treasurer should have been Donna Reinhardt, New London's town treasurer. But wait a minute, she is also the spouse of the Chief of Police, Nolan's boss.
When will Nolan resign from the Board of Education, when will he be fired from his job, and when will he be prosecuted for these offenses? When will the police begin to investigate what they should have looked into two months ago? Will this mushroom and eventually lead to the downfall of far more than simply Mr. Nolan? How many careers will be sacrificed for this bozo?
Not only is local taxpayer money spent in our schools, but they also receive state and federal funds. Obviously, Nolan is in federal hot water over this as well. He just does not know it yet. Rumors are circulating that a federal complaint has been initiated. Stay tuned. The rumor is that a federal color of law investigation has been initiated. This is when local officials, acting under the color of law, conspire to violate our civil rights. In this case, there were clear violations of federal voting rights laws. Forget the state charges, it is the federal statutes which are going to do in Nolan, and whoever else is dumb enough not to get out of the way of this. The fact that apparently no one at the local level is bothering to investigate such obvious violations of the law is evidence that this is a conspiracy and it meets all the tests of a federal color of law prosecution. In other words, the problem is much deeper than Nolan, and there is a whole busload of bozos who are going to go down with him. School officials, police brass, etc. Bet on it.
Meanwhile, back at the teachers union, their president is refusing to allow her members to be drug tested. Incredible. How about we ask that she and her husband volunteer to be tested first, so taxpayers can have our faith restored that our employees are clean of drugs and alcohol? I would bet that there will be no shortage of volunteers ready to contribute the money needed to pay for the testing of those two. She is right, there is no need to test all the teachers. All we have to test is two of them, and if they pass, our faith will be restored. If they fail, we will know the problem exists. Thank you Jai, for making this all so very, very clear.
Wow good news on Anthony Nolan. He has done so much wrong. The downfall of Anthony Nolan cannot come soon enough. What stands out when you look at the NL green flyers that Nolan made was they were not done by a union printer either. There was an article in the Day where it was printed that the police union gave money to Anthony Nolan for his campaign. The way Anthony Nolan honors and thanks his union brothers is to not use a union printer to do his flyers. That is a slap in the face to all his union brothers that contributed money that was used to support Anthony Nolan’s campaign as well as to all of the rest of us as union workers here in the city of New London.
Anytime you want to come talk to Nolan face to face and deal with issues that are false, please do he is available daily at NLHS from 7:30 to 2:00pm
For your ignorant information the flyers were NOT DONE ON ANY CITY OWNED PRINTER. YOU ALL NEED TO STOP HATING. Grow up and stop wasting time about Nolan. He is on the BOE there is nothing you can do about it. Why don't all of you step up either visit Nolan and or call a meeting with yourself him and whoever to discuss this in a public forum. Obviously you don't have the facts, with the statutes and or with where the flyer was done. Obviously you are a coward, I have talked to Nolan and askd for proof of where his flyers were done, observed it and followed up with the buisness who did them. Any questions why don't you stop being a coward and call Nolan and or the day newspaper or channel 3 or 8 news and have a live tapping of the issues about nolan. What the cat got your tounge HOW LONG IS IT GONNA TAKE FOR YOU AND YOUR LESS THAN A HAND FULL OF IGNORANT PEOPLE WHO MAKE THESE LIES TO COME FORWARD AND HAVE A GATHERING ABOUT THIS INFORMATION YOU ARE PUTTING OUT THERE. HOW LONG BEFORE YOU CALL the news reporters or put something together. STOP talking and do something.....AND enough about this investigation stuff noone even filed the documentation for a complaint through any federal offices or local offices. LIES LIES LIES
David Turnier,Uncasville
The above was discussed with BOE member and SRO NLHS Anthony Nolan who is available 7:30am-2:00pm at NLHS NLHSSRO@newlondon.org is his SRO email and anolan@newlondon.org is his BOE email. Nolan is available.
I know Officer Nolan very well. He is involved in several local organizations and is a stand up gentleman. I had a discussion in length with him in regards to him and his fliers, parking at the school. Apparently some think he used either a copy machine or NLHS geen paper. well this is wrong, the green paper came from staples and the copying was done at staples also. I talked to the Commission in Hartford investigating claims of improper flyer literature. Yes Nolan unfortunately put PRINTED IN HOUSE instead of Printed by Anthony Nolan. OOOHHHH such a big violation. Mistakes happen oh well. As far as the car you have in the photo infront of the NLHS it's obvious it is Nolans car, also it's obvious that were he parked it there is not a yellow curb, or a sign that says limited parking. Yea there is a drop off/pick up sign but that is not in the place he parked. You must really not have a bsy schedule to try and find things wrong with a man that crosses his t's and dots his i's. As far as the handicap sign in front of the Magnet school, please recognize the available spots beside it on both days and ask the complainant why she chose this one spot to park in when there were four othe rhandicap signs available on the same day. including the one right out in front of the Magnet School as you approach it on the right at the sidewalk. I find all this an attack on a black man that is doing well. If he was not doing well then why would he be on the Board of ED..voted in by the people in the community(1700 plus)
Why would he be in the Rotary, Woman Center Board, Challenger Center Board, Kawanis, Lions Club, Magnet Advisory Board, Past Dean of Issac School, Director of the STAR Youth Program, Deacon of Shiloh Church, Obtaining his Minstry Degree from Hartford Seminary in May 08, Coordinator of Teen Talk Tv Show. HHmmm as a white woman in a city as iverse as it is You should applaud a black man who has accomplished so much that some of our high society folk have not. Get a life, and turn to God stop creating the problem with all your negativity and Join in solving the problems.....Better yet take a stand and confront Mr. Nolan face to face and deal like gentleman IF you are one.
SIMPLY INCREDIBLE COMMENT is a lie. happened to be with Ofc. NOlan when he printed his fliers at STAPLES in the New lOndon Shopping Plaza SO for those that are multiple witnesses, THEY ARE LIERS. ALL you need to do is go to staples and aske for documentation of Election Fliers the week prior to election. So stop writing filty lies because you are either jealous of Nolan or maybe you were unlucky and were issued a ticket and now you want to vent your frustrations. why don't you be real and contact the Attorney Genrals Office, and have something done if it so illegal. Before you call someone a bozo you should really look in the mirrior. i think you'll have a hard time getting more than a handfull against Mr. Nolan.....remember he was voted in by votes......DA
If I were Anthony Nolan:
I may not want individuals such as Mike Sebastian standing up for me. In reading the response from Mike Sebastian a few things stand out but before delving into that let me summarize.
First and foremost the issues posted have nothing to do with Race, Creed or National Origin. No matter who is in a position of influence or authority in any community they should do the right thing only because it is the right thing to do. When in a position of public trust the public should be able to trust you. Mike I guess you were educated in New London by the incredible spelling and format in your written version of what transpired. If you were with Nolan doing the flyers how many copies were made?
The campaign flyers are in violation of the Election Laws of the State of Connecticut. They do not include the required disclosures.
The false disclaimer that is there is not legible and meant to mislead.
As far as where the flyers were printed I do not think that was part of the complaint to the SEEC. But perhaps an additional complaint should be filed on that. The campaign needs to file complete campaign financial documentation including receipts for services and materials. So asking workers at Staples would not be worth the effort. There would have to be a receipt filed for the paper and the copy services. The UPC code on the receipts will even cross to the type and color of the paper. If the “New London Green” paper was not purchased by the candidate it will be easy to prove or disprove. I am glad you brought that up. An additional complaint will most likely be filed soon.
Now a very interesting point that stands out is that Anthony Nolan is a member of the New London Police Department and a member of the Police Union. The New London Police Union did write a check to Anthony Nolan. The thanks that his union brothers and sisters received from Anthony Nolan was he did not use a union printer to have his flyers done. A good union man that Anthony Nolan is!
Now for Jess Waters commentary:
Yes the flyers were in violation of the State Election Laws. I see from that you wish to trivialize the violation pertaining to the fliers. That is to be expected from a supporter of Nolan. So the laws and rules are subjective! We should only follow the ones we like and think are a big deal. That sounds like the ranting of a habitual criminal. The law is the law and as a police officer and a candidate Anthony Nolan cannot use ignorance of the law as an excuse not to follow the law. If he breaks or ignores the laws and rules to get elected what will he do when in the job? That is what concerns the public.
Anthony Nolan was involved with YO and look what happened there. Now he is involved with STARS. We will see how that goes when the audits are done.
The parking in front of the school in a “DROP OFF PICK UP” area- again selective adherence to the rules. He has told others they cannot park there. But Anthony has different rules for himself and others. Just like the handicap parking issue. As a police officer Anthony Nolan has an obligation to enforce the laws. It is against federal law and a violation of the ADA to block or interfere with a designated handicap parking space. It does not matter how many other handicap spaces there were or were not left…violating the law by covering up just one was still a violation of the law! Anthony Nolan is the police officer at the school and the space was blocked and a sign taped over it for four days. Your position is that it was ok for Anthony Nolan as a police officer to just turn a blind eye to this violation of the law! God help us all. The laws are not a pick and choose matter. If some one filed a complaint that is their right. Anthony Nolan was wrong to allow it to happen. Or was he acting as a Board of Education member at the point that he turned a blind eye to the violation of the law. The conflict of interest is evident. Nolan is not an officer on the streets of New London for one reason. Do you know what that is? You cannot brush off the facts. Anthony Nolan is a poor example for our community and our youth. He clearly shows the kids by example that they only have to follow rules and laws that they feel are important. His actions speak so much louder than his words.
So Jenna Cho wrote an article on this issue with the flyers. But no comments are allowed. Very interesting how they protect the Democratic Board of Education members.
The statement by Nolan, "Nolan said he misread the state law regarding what information he needed to provide on his flyers and acknowledged the finance information should have read “Printed by Anthony Nolan.”"
So we have a Board of Education Member and a police officer that does not read the STATE Laws carefully enough. I read the requirements and had my 5th grader read it as well and she understood it completely. SO what else has Nolan miread in the course of his duties as a police officer and as a Board of Education member?
Concerned and worried
Please get your facts straight. Mr. Nolan is required to file all financial data for his campaign. But since it was a Board of Education Election the documentation is filed with the City Clerk. Not with the State. The SEEC at 866-733-2463 investigates the complaints and will verify all the receipts against the alleged purchases. Candidates do not file the receipts with the filing, the receipts need to be kept on file for quite some time by statute. I would guess that Mr. Nolan does not have the receipts because he "misread" that statute as well.
There will be no decision tomorrow on the complaint. It is an executive session and they discuss the cases and complaints. Michael Hurn is the investigator for the complaint against Mr. Nolan. Michael Hurn can be reached at 866-733-2463 as well. This will not just be blown off. All offenders say that it was just a mistake. So please keep the facts accurate. This is a great blog and it contains a vast supply of great information. I really like the calendar of meetings. Keep up the good work.
Charles Grafton
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