Jenna reports the SEEC says he is guilty of Election law violations and he was fined! He admitted he violated election law. However a call to the SEEC confirmed no such thing, in fact they say that it was continued! Where is this information coming from? Stay tuned for future updates as they happen.
He looks like a crook!
guilty as charged
The way I see it: Officer Nolan was wrong with his campaign flyers. Officer Nolan was wrong with his car plate issue. Officer has been called to task on those issues. The question I have now is will someone hold him to the statute concerning his conflict of interest being on the Board of Education? That should happen and then the triple play will be complete. Officer Nolan has demonstrated that he has neither the integrity nor the self pride to do the right thing in so much of what he does. What happened with Officer Nolan and YO? He ran from that pretty fast. I remember there were questions about money. Now Officer Nolan is involved with yet another youth organization funded partially with public dollars. What will be the next thing that Officer Nolan does wrong?
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