It's the end of the line for Corcoran Jennison at Fort Trumbull, huh? At least, that is what The Day is reporting today. That does not include the developments that they are already developing. But for all those residents that lost their homes and had to move out and whose houses were bull is bittersweet! And of course, let's blame it on the slowing housing market for the reason they were unable to secure financing for the total backing of the project. I am sure that is a relief to those who saw their homes destroyed. They are willing, it appears, to build some kind of "income-restricted" housing. We all know what that means, since it includes state and federal money... low income housing. Was that the plan... take houses away from tax paying citizens and build low income housing? I don't believe so...

On to a brighter topic. Congratulations to New London Main Street on their 10th anniversary. And may I say it couldn't come at a better time since the City Council just voted to raise their promised amount of donated dollars to help them market the city (especially since voting again to get rid of the position of Downtown Coordinator!). They threw a big shindig at The Garde. Good for them. I like the idea of a bunch of volunteers working really hard promoting the happenings of New London! Keep up the good work!
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