I say vote "NO" come September 9th. I, for one, am sick and tired of the Board of Education doing exactly what they want with no accountability to the taxpaying citizens of New London. Do you know that they just gave Clouet a new 3 year contract? Did you know they gave him a 3 year contract last year? And with that new contract came a raise. I don't want to give one more red cent to the Board of Ed until they start acting like they serve the citizens and not Clouet or themselves, and still not educating the students of New London. We are still so low at the bottom any improvement would be a step up and yet, we are not going up, we are staying the same or worse yet, getting even worse. And also I think the city should start taking citizen complaints more seriously. I mean, how many homeless people are they gonna put out on the street now that they made the shelter "dry"? That is what we need, drunk or high homeless bums sleeping all over the city.... very attractive! I wonder how the passengers of the cruise ships will like stepping over drunks to visit the city. I have had enough. I pay a lot of taxes. I have paid those taxes for decades here in New London without complaining and hoping things get better... it still hasn't. I still love New London and I will continue to live here... but as a lifelong resident I am sad at the state of the city and the people leading it. That is why I am voting "NO" and I urge you to vote "NO" too!!!
More on this issue to come.
I am voting no on the budget because they are not educating our children. New London school performance is so poor and throwing more money at it will not make it better.
Anonymmous #2
So you are voting down funding –
Logically you may know that most New London students come in at a low level and standing on their heads, spitting nickels won’t motivate them to do what is needed to do their part in the learning.
Special programs, extraordinarily trained staff, parent outreach, court connection and any other viable ideas are in the works.
You are concerned that the results of state testing are not what you see in nearby towns. Have you seen any difference in the students in nearby towns?
You blame BOE and your Superintendent for not bringing scores up to other towns. Scores reflect student dedication and family support. They are bound by state statutes in what they can do.
It is true that sometimes people do not have all the information that boards and commissions do, and make decisions on emotional levels.
And no one wants to pay high taxes.
Will cutting the budgets further get to the results you want?
You are concerned that the results of state testing are not what you see in nearby towns. Have you seen any difference in the students in nearby towns?
You blame BOE and your Superintendent for not bringing scores up to other towns. Scores reflect student dedication and family support. They are bound by state statutes in what they can do.
It is true that sometimes people do not have all the information and make decisions on emotional levels.
And no one wants to pay high taxes.
Will cutting the budgets further get to the results you want?
I am voting NO as a way to voice my disgust with the BoE and the Superintendent. I don't want to give any more money to them until Clouet is gone and we have a whole new BoE. Some people who are really interested in educating our children. Don't blame parental involvement, I am very involved in my daughters eduaction and all it gets me is my kids are targets from the administration. I am going to encourage everyone I know to vote NO as well.
Noelle- New London
I say that the funding should be voted down because of the lack of performance by the system. To continue to put additional taxpayer funds increasing year after year into a failing system is just wrong. It only serves to enable those that are failing. Similar to buying booze for the alcoholic because it keeps them occupied, but it does not fix the problem. The New London Education system is failed. It is failing at the top. the decision makers are at fault. Not the parents, the kids, the teachers, the union, the weather, the socio-economic condition or any of the other factors, groups or individuals that have been blamed. Cut the head off the beast! VOTE NO and start on the path to rehabilitating our school system here in New London.
Anon #2 again-
So you feel that if you vote the budget down elected office holders will be out of office and a legal contract between the town and its supt will be void?
Not logical.
November 2009 election is your time to get new people into office.
Perhaps if you have so much to give and your children are doing well, you could volunteer to assist the process in schools, or better- in other families.
Hey Anonymous #2, Who said anything about voiding a contract by voting down the budget. The point of vou=ting it down is to force accountability. The problem with the Superintendent will resolve itself with a board of ed that does the job they were elected to do and a board that holds the Superintendent accountable. Right now Clouet runs the show and the board of ed. And the contract is not a legal contract anyway. I went to the BoE website today and read the policies. The Superintendent position is a one year appointment by policy. So again the Board is in violation of their own rules and as such the contract is null and void on it's face. I hope to see you get involved in the future.
Cliff, New London
Hey wake up the rules do not apply to the New London Board of Ed!
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