So the BoE decided that they don't feel an obligation to save the taxpaying citizens of New London $41,721. Great! And on top of that President Kinsall threatened a lawsuit!? What kind of balls does it take to snub your nose at the city and the people who you are supposed to serve? Conflict of interest? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. We have a BoE member who draws part of his salary as a School Resource Officer from the Board that he sits on. But you don't see that as a conflict? These people are out of control and it is beyond my comprehension why anyone would vote to re-elect them. Any of them! You have Elaine Maynard-Adams being quoted as saying in regards to a report about the New London school system "why is this all about education?" and you have Alvin telling the people of New London they should not bring their complaints, concerns, or suggestions to the City Council but the BoE when anyone who has done that knows good and well that they will do absolutely nothing for them... And now we could save a large chunk of money on legal fees by having the City Attorney represent the BoE as well and they decide, no they would rather spend more at the taxpayers expense?! This leads me to feel even more strongly about voting NO on the budget referendum on September 9th. I am even more concerned about allowing this rouge group of individuals operate with no restrictions or guidelines to have to follow. After all, they are already NOT educating New London's children. So I again urge you to take the time to think clearly about the behavior of the BoE and send a clear message with your voice.