So the BoE decided that they don't feel an obligation to save the taxpaying citizens of New London $41,721. Great! And on top of that President Kinsall threatened a lawsuit!? What kind of balls does it take to snub your nose at the city and the people who you are supposed to serve? Conflict of interest? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. We have a BoE member who draws part of his salary as a School Resource Officer from the Board that he sits on. But you don't see that as a conflict? These people are out of control and it is beyond my comprehension why anyone would vote to re-elect them. Any of them! You have Elaine Maynard-Adams being quoted as saying in regards to a report about the New London school system "why is this all about education?" and you have Alvin telling the people of New London they should not bring their complaints, concerns, or suggestions to the City Council but the BoE when anyone who has done that knows good and well that they will do absolutely nothing for them... And now we could save a large chunk of money on legal fees by having the City Attorney represent the BoE as well and they decide, no they would rather spend more at the taxpayers expense?! This leads me to feel even more strongly about voting NO on the budget referendum on September 9th. I am even more concerned about allowing this rouge group of individuals operate with no restrictions or guidelines to have to follow. After all, they are already NOT educating New London's children. So I again urge you to take the time to think clearly about the behavior of the BoE and send a clear message with your voice.
Nice piece. The most significant part of the legal respresentation issue is the savings of over $40,000. What is significant about $40,000? The track programs that we cut for my 2 children as well as many of your children had a price tag of far less than $40,000. So the Board choose to continue to retain services from a business outside New London over providing a track program for your children and mine. Did the Board even think of this option- request that their currant legal representative meet the fee schedule of Londregan's firm? I would bet not. They do not care how much taxpayer money they spend and their actions continue to make our children suffer. I will vote NO as well.
by Anon2-
Connecticut School Law is an intricate specialty. In what area is the law firm for New London City specialists? How much is the legal line in the BOE budget? How much was spent it the last three years in legal fees?
Expertise in the area of education law could save much more than 40K. Special education suits alone could save that.
If you survey surrounding systems, they are using firms based in Hartofrd, Stamford and other larger cities with satellite offices around the state.
Yes, you want to save money; but not be penny wise and pound foolish.
Sometimes having some knowledge and being noisy is not helping decisions move ahead. If you are second guessing every decision from the outside, get more information and if you have the time to spend weekly, run for BOE in 2009. Unfortunately New London is one town that has two year terms for all BOE members. It takes about 2 to 3 years to get up to speed on the many issues. A change to four or six year staggered terms would be most helpful in continuity and expertise development.
Find out more about the legal expense situation all 'round. If you must make remarks do it on more than one bit of information.
Anon2- you sound like a BoE supporter or worse yet, member. I agree with your concept of expertise, perhaps that should be applied to the board as a whole, or even to the education system in New London. The reason I mention this is we have members of the BoE that make the most foolish statements, for example when Elaine Maynard Adams made her famous comment on the Cambridge report "why is this all about education" she really showed all the citizens that she really had no clue or concept about what the BoE and New London public school system is all about. It would be hard to justify to any reasonable person that the BoE and the school system should have a primary focus other than education. Elaine is a fool and she has proven it over and over and over with her public comments. Perhaps expertise in making comments for the board should be a requirement before allowing any of the chipmunks off the exercise wheel to speak to the press. There are several members of the board who have served more than one term and are as ineffective today as when they started. The quality of education in New London is substandard and that is stating it kindly. You must take your head out of the sand and look at the whole picture, the BoE and the school system leadership have failed the citizens, and the students for far too long. It is critical to the success of New London to have a quality education system unfortunately that does not seem to be on the horizon for New London. So to vote NO is the only logical action to put the good ship New London on course. As the Whaling City Man I see the BoE and the Clouet administration harpooning education in New London at every turn.
from annon2- not a local member -
I have been in education since the 1960s.
You have moved the question from should the firm be retained, or better yet should the city firm be hired. Go back to your question- Should the board save 40K up front by hiring a local firm not known in the education law area.
If you feel that New London product of education is below standard you must consider more than the staff. Cutting the budget out from under them is a way to send a message saying you do not understand their work or the needs of the population. You do not support their efforts.
Perhaps the board member you site was thinking of all the things not directly related to the classroom that board members deal with such as contracts, construction, grievances and law suits.
Heaven forbid someone may be interested in the situation who adds information to your ideas who may not share the same conclusions. I do not know your board or its members. I know that cutting the pared down budget will not get you to your goals.
Anon2- how long should you give the BoE to make positive changes? Clouet has been here or 5 years and there have been no positive changes that I can see. And more importantly, how can you support a superintendent that marchew with illegals...who supports breaking the law??? I cannot and will not. Our BoE will never get my vote, and with their contiued statements in the press they are making a lot of voters in this town feel the same. I meet with a group of parents of students and we all feel that our children are not getting the education they should get! We are not happy!!! I will be really surprised to if this buget passes because too many people are so totally displeased with the board. I am voting NO and so are so many of the NL public student parents that are in my parent group. You cannot change that with your uninformed attitude! Cutting the budget may not get up the education our children deserve but it will send the message we want! Furious NL parent!
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