Dear Friends,
Thank you all for your much appreciated comments. I am afraid that it is time for me to share my view on this much discussed Magnet Plan. First let me say, as a “NAYSAYER” myself, I find myself in a difficult position. Being a lifelong Whaler, I feel like we are being harpooned by the Whales of Hartford. To be threatened by our legislators in an attempt to intimidate and coerce the good citizens to vote YES for the Magnet Plan is just over the top. Let’s discuss this plan intimately and you will see all the flaws for yourself without all the propaganda. First let’s start with the $61 million. This figure was the brain child of the committee formed to address the physical needs of our school buildings. The plan then estimated the cost of the plan at $61 million. Ok, that means they made that up! So, that started with garbage. Garbage in, garbage out! Every figure based on that number is fiction!
A gift from the State! Really? If I was to give you a gift certificate for dinner you would be excited until you realized the restaurant is in Paris and it will cost you an additional $2,000 in expenses in order to use this gift. The gift does not really seem like such a gift after all, now does it? “People are watching,” said state Sen. Andrea Stillman, D-Waterford. For the residents to reject what is really a gift from the state in the form of this grant would be a very difficult thing for us to explain.” Just tell the truth Andrea, this would be the will of the people. And isn’t that what real representation is all about- the people? The State commissioned the Cambridge report on NLPS, the report has a completely different view on the buildings condition and maintenance than that of the City Council and Board of Education. This should be easy to explain. The citizens obviously felt it was a waste of $58 million of State taxpayer money to renovate as new school buildings that were in good shape and well maintained. Perhaps Andrea you could apply some pressure to the State Dept. of Education to do a comprehensive review of the continued failing of the education process in New London. It is not the buildings; it is the people in charge. I am sure any state legislator as well as any other reasonable citizen would understand if this were to be voted down. Glad to help you with this dilemma
Now on to the $13 figure that they throw around if the plan fails. That is just a scare tactic as the City of New London will not still be spending $61 to renovate as new these schools if the plan fails. They will renovate the schools as needed. That means what repairs need to be done will be and this estimate has been tossed around at approximately $13 for all 5 of the New London public schools. That means that since we have already closed Edgerton, and plan to close Harbor the actual figure will be even less. With the states contribution of 78% it will be closer to $3.5 million. $9.5 million less than the threats they are making in the newspapers. The lying to the citizens is what will cause this plan to fail.
“Pay Less, Vote Yes,” Buscetto, a developer, has said he will be “intimately involved” with the schools' construction. In his appearance Thursday on the cable-access show “The Renshaw Report,” he pledged that the city's $3 million share would be covered through cost savings and wouldn't increase taxes. “Put it on tape,” Buscetto said. My question is when we get those increased tax bills do we take them to City Hall to have the increase removed or do we forward the bill directly to Mike and he will pay the difference. I am not really sure how this will work. Once the mechanics of this are worked out I would be more likely to vote yes.
Clouet, in a January interview about the plan, accused some critics of being “part of an organized, generalized assault on the young.” Thanks for pointing this out Chris, but you shouldn’t take about your Board of Education like this. Although everybody in New London already knows that the Bored with Ed. is not interested in educating our children, as evidenced by Elaine “no brains” Adams statement “Why is this all about education?”.
And I feel compelled to make a statement after watching the LOT show last night. Jim, as a long time acquaintance, I would have expected that you would have driven to Hartford with copies of that email and statute in hand to present to file your claim in person with either the Secretary of State or the head of her Ethics Commission. Jim, will you not be filing a complaint, are you leaving it up to someone else, you have the documentation. I expect you will be in Hartford bright and early Monday morning. Perhaps the Secretary of State could stop this referendum before it begins based on the violations by the voice of the Board of Education Elaine Maynard-Adams.
Thank you for your time. Keep the comments coming.
Whaling City Man