“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Maryanne Williamson

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yes the people have spoken...

There is an article (and an editorial) in today's Day that speaks of the victory of the "Magnet Plan" referendum vote. It says things like "widespread support" and "overwhelmingly approved", calling their argument the “no-brainer” campaign. I certainly don't see the 1,006 "YES" votes out of 10,077 registered voters an "overwhelming" success. Once again, it just shows the tilted bias of The Day paper for all things New London Board of Education. Elaine Maynard-Adams "Even New London can't screw this up.'” continued foot in mouth insults to the citizens of New London is just an example of how she views the good people here. If you don't see things the way she does and do as she thinks you should you will be screwing up. The good news is that there is still some skepticism as to how these new buildings will improve education here in New London. And some doubt as to whether these schools will be able to be built "green" within the $61 million budget. The fact that the editorial piece states "It is unfortunate that so few parents took the time to vote Tuesday, because this plan will clearly benefit their children" means that The Day clearly was not reading it's own editorials, op-ed pieces and comments to their web site. Parents know that the new buildings will not improve their children's education because this was never about education...it was about empire building for Clouet and power and influence of the Democratic machine in New London. Build the new buildings, bring upper middle class white kids from the suburbs and it still will not change the education system in New London or the failing test scores. It is sad but true, our Superintendent and our Board of Ed. are failing our kids! “It's good to know that reasonable people prevailed,” Maynard-Adams said Now if we only had reasonable dedicated people in charge over there in the Board of Ed. Elaine, you should resign now, along with your cohorts in crime, Anthony Nolan and Alvin Kinsall. After all the ethics violations, election law violations and Bylaw violations, you all should be hanging you heads in shame!


Michael Casteel said...

Now that this issue is resolved what will the Board of Ed and Dr. Clueless use to distract us from the fact that 75% of the kids in New London schools can't read, write or do arithmetic? Will they spend the next 3-4 years until the renovations are complete assuring us that Mastery scores will magically improve the moment the ribbon is cut on the pretty buildings? Or will they prepare to blame the taxpayers of New London when they reject the budget? I can tell you one thing they won't do - EDUCATE OUR KIDS!

Whaling City Man said...

Michael, good to have you here. I don't want to be rude, because I respect your opinion, but I think it is more than 75% of the students in the NLPS can read. The issue is they are reading at a level greatly below any reasonable standards. Dr. Clouet demonstrates that clearly through the test scores that the students he is responsible to educate acheive or should I say not acheive. Please continue to visit and comment and share this blog address with all your friends. Perhaps you could email it to your distribution list. As a lifelong Whaler I just want to make this city what it once was. I am tired of getting harpooned.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you are hearing those who are at Goal and above. Goal is a standard that we like but it is not the level considered passing. Proficient is considered passing. Goal is more B+ and above.

The % at proficient and above are considerably higher than what you are talking about.
Site: http://www.cmtreports.com/Default.aspx

2007 testing – New London district
math grade three 56.4% at or above proficient
rdg grade three 35.1% at or above proficient

math grade four 59.7% at or above proficient
rdg grade four 47.1% at or above proficient

math grade five 59.4% at or above proficient
rdg grade five 45.5% at or above proficient

math grade six 54.9% at or above proficient
rdg grade six 44.6% at or above proficient

I did not go on as you can easily check for yourselves.
We need to remember that not everyone can be above average! That is mathematically impossible.

We educate all who come as residents of the town. The average resident has changed, and the standard and scope of what needs to be learned by any age group has greatly increased. Who prepares the students to attend? And who supports them in their journey through education outside the hours in class?

I do not work in New London schools but have worked in a DRG I district for 36+ years. Nothing about teaching poor students is what it used to be, except that they are needy beyond belief and starved for attention!