"Comments about Tuesday's referendum in New London will not be posted from now until the vote."
This is what you will see if you read the newest editorial in The Day today. It speaks volumes for their position on the vote Tuesday. It is not fair to the people who want to read both sides to get both views. You can post here, both sides, both views. I will not censor you. I will not block your views. I do believe that an informed decision is the best one. I don't believe that The Day has given all the facts, they have tilted their articles to the side of the New London Democratic Machine. That is not fair and balanced. That is not the way to improve communications of the citizens. It is a sad statement of their confidence in the passing of this referendum. It is censorship at it's best. It is bad enough that all you post does not make it into the pages of the comments but to shut off all comments regarding the referendum is ridiculous. You should use your voice to tell The Day of your displeasure with this decision. As always, I welcome both sides to share repectfully their views here.
thank you. seems a strange idea to cut input form thinkers outside the inner circle- leading up to decision time.
a suggestion on your vote- perhaps 4 choices- i am a new london voter yes, no.. i am not a new london voter, yes, no.
The Day does this for every election/referendum in every town (and for state and national elections). It's been their policy for years. It's to avoid last-minute mudslinging that A) could be wrong and B) doesn't give someone a chance to respond and/or correct misinformation.
The day cannot have been doing this too long. They have not had the online commenting that long.On line the readership can certainly respond quickly. This was the result of political pressure from the New London powers that be.
I looked at that email that Jim L. spoke of on Friday evening. Very interesting that the postcard has a UNION bug on it for folks to print out and distribute. That is quite misleading. I bet the printer who owns that bug would be outraged, if they even know. It says that the post card was printed by a UNION printer in a UNION print shop. That cannot be true if the general citizens are printing it at home. The post card states "Paid for by New London Democratic Town Committee • Ron Nossek, Treasurer" But how is that possible if it is distributed electronically over the Board of Education and the City of New London network? Points ponder! This looks like it may have been coordinated by Anthony Nolan, he has the flyer experience in the party.
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